Pilates at SOULBOX

BarreWork Wednesday 6.15-7.15pm
MatWork Saturday 9.15-10.15am. 

BarreWork is a combination of Barre and Floor exercises for your lower and upper body. This class is designed for you to work on your own body strength and focusing on body alignment. Get groovy on this fun Barre Class

MatWork class will help you to develop optimal posture, core strength, increase upper and lower body biomechanics awareness, strength, and of course flexibility. 

Each class is designed to challenge you to the next level while providing a safe movement experience.

Shape your shoulders and tone your torso with FLETCHER TOWELWORK® with Maya Kono

Don't forget to Reserve your Spot for this Saturday 2 April 2026, 9.15-10.15am
(Max.12 participants)

Fletcher Towelwork® is a signature Fletcher Pilates technique, developed over the course of 4 decades. Originally created to stabilize and balance the shoulder girdle. Fletcher Towelwork® is versatile and can be adapted to standing, seated, supine and prone positions. 

Primary Benefits of Fletcher Towelwork®

1 Enhance stabilization of shoulder girdle;
2 Increase expansion of the chest and length of anterior shoulder muscles;
3 Correct forward head posture;
4 Increase range of motion in the thoracic and cervical spine;
5 Prepare the shoulder girdle for weight bearing activity.